
Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops + Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

Konami, working with Kojima Productions, has done a fantastic job with every Metal Gear Solid re-release or collector's edition to date. Sadly, MGS: Portable Ops + abruptly ends that tradition. We're not sure why Portable Ops + not only doesn't improve substantially on its predecessor, but actually trims off numerous features. The game is only twenty dollars, but it's a dubious value.

Leave No Witnesses

The graphics and controls of Portable Ops + will be instantly familiar for Portable Op vets. That means a smooth -- if inevitably awkward at bad moments -- control scheme, and a graphics engine that looks great but pays the price in jaggies and visible seams. Not much on the PSP really looks better than Portable Ops' engine, to be honest, but we'd hoped to see a tighter, more optimized version of the visuals for this expansion.

The cruelest jab at fans is that Portable Ops + has no story mode. Rather than continuing to tell the story of Big Boss in any way, we get "Infinity Mission." Infinity Mission is the MGS equivalent of a random dungeon hack, existing only to let you level up characters, get new characters, and level-up characters yet more. While a good grind can keep you occupied, that's never been the draw of the MGS series. At this point, it's safe to say that MGS fans are interested in the story, and MGS:PO + doesn't have one. And to be frank, it isn't a great grind.

The mechanics of Metal Gear Solid were translated brilliantly onto the PSP with Portable Ops, but we really don't want to spend dozens, if not hundreds of hours, with no goal in sight but more leveling and soldier abductions. It's a stealth action title, not a tactical grinder. The gameplay doesn't grow past the first dozen or so hours; it just boils down to capturing more and more faceless guys and hoping you find a rare. There is one benefit to absolutely owning the single-player: owning multiplayer. Unfortunately, it creates a substantial barrier to entry as well.

Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

World of Warcraft mouse

What is World of Warcraft without a mouse WOC? it inspires gaming peripherals maker SteelSeries SteelSeries to create World of Warcraft Mouse ($ 99.99) for the 11 million loyal users.

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

The Pleasingly Restro Laptop

Inspired by the Atari console 800, this laptop is filled with creamy full of retro style with beautiful features such as keyboard, player controls, TFT sreen, the cursor control knob and so forth.

The steampunk Laptop

This laptop is very unique, a laptop like a typewriter was made by Japanese people. Want to know the weight of this laptop? Weighing up to 10 Kg. "well ..." laptop or powered speakers yes? Hehe! This laptop has typewriter keys, a space made ​​of wood and Morse code key on the trackball.

The Clockwork Old-Style Laptop

laptop steampunk brilliance di buat oleh Datamancer ini sangatlah unik. Lihat saja desainnya, lain dari pada yang lain. Dengan cassing dari kayu dan kaca serta background mesin jam yang bekerja membuat laptop ini semakin indah dan banyak disukai. Laptop itu sendiri adalah Hewlett packard ZT1000 yang menjalankan Windows XP dan Linux.

Sony DVP-FX750/P 7-Inch Portable DVD Player

Sony DVP-FX750/P 7-Inch Portable DVD Player
Enjoy movies, music and photos on the go with the Sony DVP-FX750 Portable DVD Player. This compact, stylish player includes great features like a seven-inch (diag.) widescreen display, three hours of battery life for extended viewing, and two headphone jacks so you can share the entertainment, all at an incredible value.

Armarac : First Zero-Footprint and Compact Enclosure for Computer

Your network equipment is completely safe and secure on the bedroom wall mounted servers complete. Armarac is the world's first zero-footprint and compact attachment to computer and network equipment companies. There is an optional keyboard / LCD / mouse built into the compartment is locked. Armarac include sophisticated design that resist fire, earthquake or other malicious destruction.